Albums – click on the image:

Ženský kalendář (The Women Calendar, 2015)
(Album available in Czech language so far, including 2 English songs. )
Live@Joe (2013)
A DVD+MP3 album contains original Czech and English songs with some favorite cover versions and some new material…
Available at concerts only.
Lost And Found (2008)
Debut self-produced original songs album. Click at the picture and read the amazing story about an album. An international release, contains 11 English songs and 4 Czech bonuses.
Available at concerts and traditional internet providers.
Play preview
Soundtrack: Kozí příběh 2 (Goat Story) (2013)
Cztery kultury (Carpathia Festival participants edition, released in Poland, 2009)
Available at concerts
Bob Idol Song and others (EP 2009). Included english versions: Bob Idol Song and Make A Wish.
Přísahám (CZ single 2001)